KyberSwap Elastic was developed with our own proprietary code. It is only similar to Uniswap V3 in the sense that both are tick-based AMMs with customizable price ranges, and use NFTs to represent liquidity positions, but that’s where the similarities end.
Key Differences
KyberSwap Elastic differentiates itself from Uniswap V3 in a few key ways:
- Compoundability
- JIT/Snipe Attack Protection
- More Fee tiers
- More Chains
The Reinvestment Curve in KyberSwap Elastic adds convenience for Liquidity Providers since there is no need to add liquidity manually back into the pool. Simply put, separately compounding fees allows LPs to earn more.
For example, Kelvin adds $1,000 into a KyberSwap Elastic pool. After some time, he earns $100 in fees. His fees are automatically reinvested in the pool, so now he is earning fees based on a position of $1,100 (not the original position of $1,000).
JIT/Snipe Attack Protection
In a JIT attack, when a sniper detects a large swap incoming from the mempool, they can “sandwich” this swap with 2 transactions to add and remove liquidity at a very narrow range within the same block. In doing so, the sniper takes almost all the fees generated in the swap while perfectly controlling the Impermanent Loss.
KyberSwap Elastic’s JIT / Snipe Protection locks our LPs trading fee earnings and quickly vests them based on the LP’s duration of liquidity contribution. So users adding liquidity to KyberSwap Elastic will have their earnings better protected and can enjoy peace of mind.
More Fee Tiers
Uniswap V3 offers multiple fee tiers (0.05%, 0.30%, 1.00% and 0.01% on selected chains) so LPs have the option to tailor their margins to their token pair’s expected volatility.
For the same reason, KyberSwap Elastic provides multiple fee tiers but we have made more tiers (0.008%, 0.01%, 0.04%, 0.3% and 1%) available to give our LPs further options to choose from. More tiers equates to greater flexibility of choice for our LPs.
More Chains
KyberSwap Elastic is currently deployed on 12 chains, This gives LPs and traders increased flexibility, accessibility and opportunity to utilise KyberSwap on whichever ecosystem they choose.