Confirm Swap Screen
Before confirming a swap transaction, you will be shown an order confirmation screen that clearly displays the tokens you will receive after the swap. This screen helps to ensure that there are no unpleasant surprises; you will never receive fewer tokens than the minimum amount displayed on this screen if the swap is successful.
The confirmation screen displays the following information:
- Current Price
- Minimum Received
- Gas Fee
- Price Impact
- Slippage
Current Price
This is the current swap price of the swap pair. You can click on the Reverse symbol to invert the exchange rate being shown.
Minimum Received
This is the minimum amount of coin that you will receive in the swap. If this minimum cannot be hit, the swap will not proceed and your wallet balance will revert, sans any gas fees charged by the network for the transaction attempt.
Gas Fee
This is the estimated network fee that will be charged for the transaction. The fee will be charged regardless of whether or not the swap was successful.
Price Impact
This is the estimated change to the market price of the asset due to your transaction. The larger the transaction, the higher the price impact, and consequently the higher the slippage you will incur.
This is the overall cost of the swap that you will incur, based on current market prices of the tokens being swapped.