KyberSwap is DeFi's first multi-chain Decentralized Market Maker (DMM) that is also a liquidity aggregator that optimizes returns for liquidity providers. KyberSwap differs from other DeFi platforms in the following ways:
Optimized Trading Route on KyberSwap Pools
When you trade tokens on KyberSwap pools, our aggregator helps to ensure that transaction fees are kept low, especially when compared to other decentralized exchanges. If a trade passes only through Kyberswap’s own pools, the gas fees associated with this trade will be minimal. The gas fees charged to our users will be as if the DEX aggregator was not used at all.
Reduced Gas Fees through other DExes
KyberSwap's routing optimizes the route taken when swapping tokens through external decentralized exchanges, thereby minimizing the amount of fees associated with the swap route.